Preliminary Results

1. The theoretical background for the development of the Standard:

09/07/2009 13:37
Ideas and concepts for the development of the Standard CEN/TR14383-2 have been “imported” from world-wide academic networks, especially the International CPTED Association (ICA) and ECCA (Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis Network). These networks have elaborated on concepts like...

Preliminary Results

2. The history of the development of the Standard

09/07/2009 00:00
The development of the European Standard on Crime prevention by Urban Planning and Design can be traced in three stages: (1) The launch of the Technical Committee 325 in 1995; (2) the development of a pre-standard from 1996 until 2001, and (3) a revision of the standard until 2007. The first...

Preliminary Results

3. Critical points of discussion in TC325

09/07/2009 13:48
The reconstruction of the Standard reflects interesting social, political and cultural peculiarities as the backdrop for application of CPTED practices in Europe. The revision of the Pre-Norm after 2003 shows several changes that are indicative for the complex debate about the practical...

Preliminary Results

4. Local administration of the Standard: Distribution, application, implementation

09/07/2009 14:25
I'm working on it ... contact me if you have any information.